Sunday, 25 October 2015

Visual Design: Lava Creature

Pixel Art

This first trial is just a basic start to creating lava. you use a very dark colour for the rock, in this case black, as the lighter oranges, yellows and whites of the lava don't tend to look very bright with a light background.

This is a basic lava fall that I created over some rocks. Just another trial at creating convincing looking lava. I used dark grey an black for the rock so that the lava's colours really showed.

This was the stock image provided for the next task. I edited the photo by giving it a black background and altering the light levels on the image to give it a darker rock feel.
I then began to add lava to some of the cracks between the rocks, with a more vivid look, and then added some smaller lines of lava running across some of the rock to give a nice, alternate contrast. I think this is much nicer than if all the lava was one size flowing throughout the rocks.

These are the pages from my sketchbook with all my sketches of potential lava creatures.
I have examined all the creatures from my research and I believe have created a number of my own interesting designs.

Here are the 3 designs I had finally settled on to choose from. I liked all 3 of these for their unique designs and how i could visualize each one in my mind. I tweaked a couple by adding parts from other designs that i wanted to include, like the shape of one arm and the head from another creature design of mine.

I blocked out silhouettes of all 3 creatures and reviewed what i thought of each. By this stage I was favoring the left and middle designs.

Here i have added a grey tone over the black silhouettes, just outlining areas of rocks.
I slightly modified the 3rd design as i had become unhappy with the shape of the head.
If necessary i could re modify it back again later.

It was at this stage i had decided on which design to take froward and finish with. I went with design 01 because i thought it the best overall design, a kind of hulking golem figure.
I also added a Grey tone background to get rid of all the white.

Here, I have reduced the grey to a darker tone, then added another, slightly lighter grey tone to certain areas of rock. I also shortened the arm on the left as i thought it a little long for the overall body.

Here i have a fully greyed out version of the silhouette, along with a later version where i have added lava showing in cracks between the rocks and driving down some other rocks.

This is a finished version of my lava, rock creature. i have altered the layer style and added some more colour to finish it off.

This was an extra addition. I have added a background and floor base to quickly show an environment for the creature.

Monday, 19 October 2015

Visual Design: Pixel Art

Pixel Art

This task shows how to create a design in a simple style, that of pixel art, which is derived from earlier styles of gaming. this toy robot (above) is the basic design i came up with.

Here, i have imported the design into a pixel based image, allowing me to see my design among other pixel shapes.

Monday, 12 October 2015

Visual Design: Futuristic Weapons

Futuristic Weapons

Here is the culmination of my visual research into weapons of all sorts, both real (located towards the top) and fictional from numerous games and movies. Its interesting to see that there are so many creative variations on weapon design, this mood board barely scratching the surface. All of that design from a very simple structure.

Here I began sketching a few ideas in my sketchbook, getting down some rough shapes and designs.

This Particular brainstorm came from looking at weapons from sources such as star wars. weapons that were sci-fi, but had a worn, old look to them, using old components of real weapons.

This was just some rough experiments with different sized weapons.

Here I sketched out some designs i liked and rendered them in pen and markers, with a running design across all of them.

I then decided to start creating silhouettes in Photoshop, as a means of getting some sharper, defined weapon shapes, as shown with these 4 designs.
I added grey tones to show off small details and shape all around the weapons.

Finally, I added colour on top off the weapons, along with some patterned design.

Sunday, 11 October 2015

Gameplay & Interactivity: Level Map

Gameplay & Interactivity

Here is the outline of what my level should be based upon. It isn't complex, as there are 3 things for the player to do before finishing and it doesn't need to have lots of complicated levels. I have noted both start and finish positions (green) , along with each of the 3 objectives (blue) and what they activate (orange).

Gameplay & Interactivity: Story Board

Gameplay & Interactivity

This is the story board for my initial level design idea. As per the brief, the level features 3 events, all which culminate in the end of the level. I believe this idea for the level will take the player roughly 3 minutes, as the level is not of large size or complexity.

Gameplay & Interactivity: OneSheet

Gameplay & Interactivity

This is the one sheet for my winter submission level design, known as 'Phantom'.
Whilst the level I will create is only going to be a few minutes long, the one sheet gives an overview of what the entire game would be.

I have added all the necessary features for the one sheet, including an overview of the games story and main character, and the main mechanics of the game.

Sunday, 4 October 2015

3D Art Production: Arena Mood Board_02

2nd Arena Mood Board: Further Developments

This mood board shows my thoughts and ideas for development after the initial grey boxing. Now that the arena has shape, i have started to think about it visually in and around the structure.

Visual Design: Crustaceans

Crustacean Digital Designs

These are my 3 silhouette designs brought up with gray-scale layers to show off the creatures shapes.

Here Are my final, coloured designs with shadows and background. As you can see, i have taken influence from numerous sources on my mood board. Though natural creatures and forms aren't my strong suit, i enjoyed this small task.

Visual Design: Crustacean Mood Board

Crustaceans Mood Board

This mood board shows off a number of different variations of crustaceans, along with some designs based on crustaceans. I chose a variation in body structure and colour to take inspiration from.

3D Art Production: Arena Grey Boxing

  Arena Grey Boxing

This is the result of my initial Grey Boxing of my Arena in Maya, laying out the fundamental rough shapes and map layout before development. at this stage i am quite happy with the design choice, though i would like to add much more detail.

3D Art Production: Arena Mood Board

Arena Mood Board

This mood board is a gathering of images that i feel show the kind of ideas i'm having for my arena. There are also some basic concept roughs that i have drawn out, the central one being a combined idea to base my 3D model on. As my mood board shows, i'm going for a metal/stone technical design, with a central round surrounded by an outer walk around, and drops in between the two.

3D Art Production: Barrel

Maya Modeling Barrel

This is a 3D model of a conventional wooden Barrel, created in Maya as an initial endeavor into modeling with the program.

Visual Design: Perspective

1-Point Perspective Sketches and final design

This Piece is a depiction of a sci-fi based urban environment using 1-point perspective.
I went through 4 trial variations before settling on this design.